Our focus as a school is on quality first teaching for all children. To help deliver this we have some fantastic Teaching Assistants and a flourishing and supportive SEND department.
If your child requires support then our SENDCo, Mrs. S Fortenbacher, or our team of TAs will be in touch. We will be offering bespoke transition activities for those students who require some extra support in moving to secondary school.
Identifying Children’s Additional Needs
How will the school know if my child needs additional help and how will the school share information with me?
The school uses data from NC levels, information from transition meetings, the end of KS2 results from primary schools as well as a range of other assessments (eg. reading, spelling and baseline tests) to inform the identification of students who may require additional support over and above the normal curriculum. The SEND department plays an advisory role in notifying staff on strategies which enable students to gain maximum access to the curriculum.
There are four types of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), decided by the Department for Education in the revised SEND Code of Practice:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Sensory and Physical
If a student has SEND then their additional needs will fit into one or more of these categories. It may be that during their school career, students’ needs change and they may or may not be considered to have SEND or to change categories.
Dedicated Contacts
Who should I contact if I have any questions or concerns about my child?
There are a number of ways in which parents/carers may raise questions or concerns regarding any difficulties they feel their child may be experiencing. Usually those concerns are raised with the child’s form tutor, subject teacher or Head of Year in the first instance.
Specific concerns regarding SEND students can be directed to the SEND Team via
SENDCo – Mrs Sarah Fortenbacher
SEND Governor, Mrs J Comley